Chronicles of the Seers
Prisoners of the Regime

the experience, however caustic it may have been for the psyche, did not cause damage that was not repairable, an important thing that certainly does not exempt the oppressors from responsibility. The faculty of being able to witness this experience starting from a before, and counting as now with a lucid after, results in the concretion of the stories that I present here under the title, Chronicles of the Seers, in a scriptural attempt to leave a certain biographical record. of the same, and that thanks to the strength of literature they demonstrate that they are in no way tied to fiction, there being no need to exaggerate under any circumstances when transmitting the extreme side of the experience. I believe, however, that there is an objective parallel for each situation, and that things are constantly happening outside that would border on the surreal, if it were not for the fact that the power of the literary creates metaphorical meanings and dramatically shortens the spaces in which to rehearse the words required to communicate the facts of real life through reading, as happens in this work, whose theme makes an effort to keep our eyes fixed on the human anvil that we sometimes have to carry, like a kind of shared weight that sometimes It would be up to each one to keep it suspended as best they can, to avoid being crushed by the forces of a social environment under great pressure.
The narrative, after a first deployment, had to be later compacted, and obeys some guidelines that channel the episodes occurring in linear time, repeatedly leaving the context that could have motivated them in real time, to take me on a walk through rather interwoven scenarios. with the prison, of w leer todo...

Panyu Damac
Téllez. Criado y educado por una familia humilde pero fielmente unida con tres hermanos, una madre amorosa, y un padre todo terreno amante de la literatura, que llenaron una habitación de libros y enciclopedias, cuando todavía no llegaban a nuestros hogares señales de televisión, fueron decisivos despertándole el interés por la lectura.
A los 14 años escribe sus primeros cuentos de aventura y ciencia ficción, y representa a su colegio en competencias de ciencias, carrera y ajedrez. A los 16 años empieza a escalar montañas moti leer todo...