Stories From Here For The Beyond

Ars$ 20.800
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The events narrated correspond to a historical truth that is absolute faith of what memory brings me, which revolve around people who have already departed from our material world, but who with their departure left questions and above all teachings and circumstances to reflect on, which undoubtedly helps our spiritual construction.
The memories of these people come from the past, like ghosts that exorcised try to free themselves from their enigmas and claim to extract some kind of reflection, some kind of teaching that could be very valuable in your spiritual path.
They left this world leaving me a valuable lesson, some of them did it very early and in an absurd and violent way and I feel that they passed through my life as ephemeral comets, just a moment of their history linked to mine and of them only the memories remained that continue to exist in my memory and are part of the keys of my life and the essence of my destiny.
In spite of the transcendence with which tragedies mark us, sometimes we are still so immersed in our routines that these types of moments are easily forgotten and with them the essential meanings that we could have extracted.
The objective I pursue with these stories has a very positive intention. That those who read them, reflect on them in the parallelism of their lives and help them in their spiritual evolution. As I said, my intention is positive and I hope that when you read these stories, yours will be the same.
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n° edición
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11 x 17 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Ricardo León Espitia

Ricardo León Espitia, profesional en administración de empresas, deja su profesión debido a conocimientos especiales que le abren posibilidades de tipo paranormal, como la de poder hacer diagnostico observando el aura en las personas, ya sea de forma presencial, por medio de fotos o por contacto telefónico. Posee la facultad de aliviar en segundos, dolores de cabeza, migrañas y cólicos menstruales, presencialmente y a distancia por contacto telefónico y por internet. Desactiva problemas de adicciones en seminarios y conferencias y se ha especializado en la problemática de la enfermedad de la depresión. Autor de varios libros Matrix Hackea Tu Mente, Depresión La Ola Oscura, Ensoñar Lo Mejor Para Mi Vida y otros, donde traslada conocimientos para ayudar en la solución a la problemática mundial de la depresión. leer todo...

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