Diaries of the Forced Time Traveler - Part 1: Jump Back

US$ 16,80
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On a dark road, Tom Harper receives the impact of a light wave that projects him 30 years back in the past, to his own 19-year-old body in '95, but with his knowledge intact from an entire life lived.

Of course he is faced with the temptation to correct the mistakes
of his life, of his first "round", as he calls it, but what worries him most is repeating his successes: waiting 8 years until he even meets his wife, conquer her again and have the children on the exact same dates that they had them the first time, and that they were really their children, and not others.

Those responsible for the accident will contact Tom to offer him the compensation they deem appropriate for having caused this "mishap", but Tom may not be so satisfied with what they propose.

With the challenge of rebuilding his life from scratch, a very clear obsession grows in him: the Vallestrans must be exposed, and paid for what they did, as the threat they really are.

In his first foray after "Arioco-Lord of Chaos and Destruction" into the field of science fiction, the author makes the reservation that the reader may not expect laser beams, spaceships, or anything for that matter. style. Just a deviant group of people with very advanced technology with their own agenda and without moral qualms or legal consequences when applying it.
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edición del autor
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n° edición
n° páginas
14 x 21 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Marcel Pujol

Marcel Pujol escribió entre 2005 y 2007 doce obras de los más variados temas y en diferentes géneros: thrillers, fantasía épica, compilados de cuentos, y también ensayos sobre temas tan serios como la histeria en la paternidad o el sistema carcelario uruguayo. En 2023 vuelve a tomar la pluma creativa y ya lleva escritas nueve nuevas novelas... ¡Y va por más!

A este autor no se le puede identificar con género ninguno, pero sí tiene un estilo muy marcado que atraviesa su obra:
- Las tramas son atrapantes
- Los diálogos entre los personajes tienen una agilidad y una adrenalina propias del cine de acción
- Los personajes principales progresan a través de la obra, y el ser que emerge de la novela puede tener escasos puntos de contacto con quien era al inicio
- No hay personajes perfectos. Incluso los principales, van de los ant
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