Siempre existe la posibilidad de un milagro...
in the elaboration of a new book for the writer Cirano. The circumstances narrated therein would be the life of Celina Olmedo itself, from her childhood to the birth of her two children. The narrated details are the essence that makes up life, the substance that gives the nutrient to the tangled life of each one of us. With only one caveat, her case was unusually the most adverse as a woman, but the most favored by a God unknown to both. Maybe it's a miracle that we all wait for, maybe it's a miracle, which in the end heals a whole life. leer todo...
Jose Tabares
Me considero un escritor por convicción, novel... Prestado y formado en el ámbito de la ingeniería de sistemas y programación, Tratando de contextualizar muchos escritos que se quedaron en el tintero en mí juventud. Mis autores preferidos son: Gabriel García Márquez, José Saramago, Franz Kafka, Pablo Neruda, Julio Cortázar… Mis géneros preferidos son: ciencia ficción, cuento, relato corto, novela….