Zero Sense

Pain as Principle-Value and the Roots of Knowledge

Ars$ 61.800
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The publication of this Essay Project is largely due to the need to see the completion of the second part of my study on Pain, which I began 30 years ago.
This proposal is based on the assumption that perhaps pain is not occupying its rightful place in our mental actuary,
and because of this, it is used in various improper ways, where it is sought before as an "end", when the roots of our biological condition teach it to us as the principle that it understands, and that thanks to the evolutionary foresight in which it is instituted makes possible the deployment of the network of life on the planet as it is conceived, rather than boasting about what what we know about it.

I believe that it becomes necessary at this point, where pain is still admitted as one of the main enigmas of existence, a significant change of focus in relation to its first and last reasons for being, but even more interesting, in relation to its importance in epistemological processes in the pre-formation and reformation of human knowledge from its roots. We have at some point to become capable of broadening the understanding in relation to the emerging phenomenology of the production, manipulation, and assimilation of pain, that is, to become capable of creating ways of generating assimilable knowledge regarding evolutionary and adaptive mechanics, in order to situate it on a scale that serves to value the human contribution in different directions, using precisely the multipurpose property established from the beginning.

This proposal for a change in focus from the beginning is reinforced by the fact that pain would function as a matrix of knowledge, and hence the tremendous transformative potential that is experienced during the motivational-relational contest of the individual, within which the production, management, and convention of pain, in each area that concerns it receives a particular ponderative interest.
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17 x 24 cm (sin solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Panyu Damac

Douglas Uzcátegui Rivas nace en el año 1968, en Santo Domingo Estado Mérida, Venezuela, un pequeño pueblo de Los Andes situado sobre los 2000 msnm, donde crece rodeado por espléndidas montañas y mágicos paisajes que le encantarán de por vida. Hijo de Elba de las Mercedes Rivas y Antonio Uzcátegui Téllez. Criado y educado por una familia humilde pero fielmente unida con tres hermanos, una madre amorosa, y un padre todo terreno amante de la literatura, que llenaron una habitación de libros y enciclopedias, cuando todavía no llegaban a nuestros hogares señales de televisión, fueron decisivos despertándole el interés por la lectura.
A los 14 años escribe sus primeros cuentos de aventura y ciencia ficción, y representa a su colegio en competencias de ciencias, carrera y ajedrez. A los 16 años empieza a escalar montañas moti
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