Het meesterwerk van bedrog

van horror en perversiteit die in het menselijk hart ontstaat wanneer de duisternis hen scheidt van het licht en hen naar de kerkers van de afgrond transporteert om nooit meer terug te keren.
Luisteren! Want binnen dit literaire werk ontdek je belangrijke informatie die je nooit zult vinden in klassieke horrorromans waar ze je alleen maar weten te vermaken. leer todo...

Marcos Orowitz
home. Despite his humble origins and the adversities of growing up in a family marked by alcoholism and dysfunction, surrounded by turbulent and erratic figures. However, his indomitable spirit took him, again and again, to the public library, where he avidly lost himself in the narratives of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury, Charles Bukowski, Stephen King and, above all, Edgar Allan Poe, who It became his lighthouse and main inspiration. This unwavering passion for literature was the foundation upon which Orowitz built his legacy as a writer. leer todo...