Dreamy Poems

US$ 14,80
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More than 20 years ago in the city of Mérida (Venezuela) I met Douglas, behind his brand new restaurant, there was a writer, with a countenance of contemplation and warmth, where I quickly realized that he was a little-known narrator within the literary territories of the academy, what critics and recent cultural studies have called "literatures on the margin", being through the exercise of criticism a form of legitimization.
Douglas, with a lot of passion and without stereotypes, at that time wrote and disseminated and edited at the lungs. That was how I met the poet, the essayist and the editor. His work is linked to Being, from an intimate perspective, without positions or prejudices, far from canons and currents, which gives the poet and the writer the necessary freedom for the act of writing to become Art.
The unfolding of his writing sends us to spaces that go from the mythical to the complex thought, an unusual duality in writers, from poetry to prose, from poetic image to essay reflection.
From his native Santo Domingo (Mérida, Venezuela), from there, he has built a poetics that traces his sensitivity and observation for more than two decades, embodied in each of his publications. Each book is a hymn to nature, a surprise, a journey, a question with many questions.
Dreamy Poems (2023) reaches a point of consolidation and strength, as a poetic and narrator voice, which undoubtedly exposes her work to the perception and reach from tradition, now it is a bilingual song, as another way of exploring her literary vocation .
This book contains more than fifty texts that cover and develop these arguments, it is a journey that goes through different emotional stations, narrating personal facets, describing everyday moments, sharing their intimacy, with a depth that only great writers reach.
I embrace this book, or we celebrate and leave the book open for the reader to savor and enjoy.

Mr. Alexander Bustamante
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edición del autor
impreso bajo demanda
año edición
n° edición
n° páginas
17 x 24 cm (sin solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Panyu Damac

Douglas Uzcátegui Rivas nace en el año 1968, en Santo Domingo Estado Mérida, Venezuela, un pequeño pueblo de Los Andes situado sobre los 2000 msnm, donde crece rodeado por espléndidas montañas y mágicos paisajes que le encantarán de por vida. Hijo de Elba de las Mercedes Rivas y Antonio Uzcátegui Téllez. Criado y educado por una familia humilde pero fielmente unida con tres hermanos, una madre amorosa, y un padre todo terreno amante de la literatura, que llenaron una habitación de libros y enciclopedias, cuando todavía no llegaban a nuestros hogares señales de televisión, fueron decisivos despertándole el interés por la lectura.
A los 14 años escribe sus primeros cuentos de aventura y ciencia ficción, y representa a su colegio en competencias de ciencias, carrera y ajedrez. A los 16 años empieza a escalar montañas moti
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