Tips for the Presentation of a Good Project Evaluation Proposal
Data to include when applying as external consultants for contracts with international organizations

area of evaluation who wish to apply for selection processes for Evaluations of International Cooperation Projects. What motivated me to write this book is how little information they have when they want to apply for these processes.
This book just pretended to be a simple guide with practical recommendations for those consultants who wish to elaborate a good assessment proposal for the evaluation of projects, programmes and/or public policies.
In this book you can find useful tips to be chosen as an Independent Evaluator for contracts with intergovernmental agencies, cooperation agencies, development banking, non-governmental organizations, among others.
While each organization has its own requirements, there is some data that is necessary to always provide when presenting a good technical and financial proposal in a concise and summary way.
For this reason, this guide provides some valuable "TIPS FOR THE PRESENTATION OF A GOOD PROJECT EVALUATION PROPOSAL".
Its main objective is to make some precise recommendations and indicate in a practical way all the information required to apply and be selected as external evaluators.
In this book you will learn:
✅ Prepare an assertive technical proposal with the Results Based Approach used by intergovernmental organizations such as Logical Framework Matrix, Theory of Change, etc.
✅ Submit a financial proposal according to the terms of reference.
✅ Templates with Evaluation Matrix, Activity Timeline, Cost Breakdown by ítems and Deliverable Products.
In addition, like BONUS:
* The book contains QR's codes that will direct readers to links that will allow them to access other very useful r leer todo...

Gladis María Demarchi
otras herramientas usadas por organizaciones internacionales como UNICEF, BID, PNUD, UNWomen, FAO, GEF, IFAD, etc.
Verificación del cumplimiento de indicadores sobre criterios como: relevancia, efectividad, eficiencia, sostenibilidad, impacto, innovación, igualdad de género, derechos humanos, etc.
Áreas abordadas: educación, salud, medio ambiente, derechos humanos, equidad de género, emprendimientos, reducción de la violencia, derechos de la primera infancia, etc.
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