In Quest of Exodus Treasure

find the following dialogue between God and Moses: "I will make the Egyptians so well-disposed toward this people that, when you go, you won't go empty-handed, but every woman who is a slave will take from the owner of her house items of silver and articles of gold and clothing, which you will put on your sons and your daughters, and so you will strip the Egyptians..."
The Egyptian tradition suggests that the "Treasure" might be hidden in the Tomb of Moses, but no one knows where such a tomb is.
Bill, an Israeli spy in Egypt, who is an adventurous and greedy young man, eager for treasures and fame, falls into the trap of Imram, his Egyptian guide. Two opposites, whose paths should never have crossed, enter into a peculiar alliance destined to change the course of the future.
Once associated in the search for the Exodus Treasure, they both find the secret tomb of the prophet Moses. There they discover the answer to the most cardinal question in the monotheistic world: the meaning of the Code "Jehovah", a name used to designate God, which has no meaning in any language, not even in Hebrew. And what is most notable about it is that the Hebrew religion forbids just mentioning it.
That discovery has a magical effect on Bill, and, as I consider probable, on to the reader, because raises awareness that our world is much more than the survival instinct, the hoarding of material wealth and the destruction of the future of Life on this planet due to the ambition of pursue an enrichment that no one takes to their grave.
This novel revives, with great originality, a past period of time of more than 3,500 years ago, centering in the contemporary era, which is the background of true events in the Arab-Israeli conflict leer todo...