journey to discover the enigmas of who are the fallen angels and who really do the lodges of darkness with their domination over human beings.
It reveals the esoteric enigmas that show a reality about religions. Denounce the deception and reality of the Catholic religion.
Why the sacraments were instituted but now they are just an empty ritual and without any benefit for the human being.
It reveals that MATRIX are the cultural and social conditions that have modeled your mind to deceive you and make you believe that what you live, your society, your culture, is something normal and with what you must conform. MATRIX is the political, economic, cultural, military, social and religious system, etc. in which you live and in which you are controlled and enslaved.
Discover the reality that underlies depression and shows the astronomical figures that are consumed in antidepressants, sleeping pills, analgesics and other drugs. It denounces the factors that are stimulating the growth generated by multinationals of beverages and foods which place addictive substances in their products to encourage their consumption but that generate depression leer todo...
Ricardo León Espitia
de aliviar en segundos, dolores de cabeza, migrañas y cólicos menstruales, presencialmente y a distancia por contacto telefónico y por internet. Desactiva problemas de adicciones en seminarios y conferencias y se ha especializado en la problemática de la enfermedad de la depresión. Autor de varios libros Matrix Hackea Tu Mente, Depresión La Ola Oscura, Ensoñar Lo Mejor Para Mi Vida y otros, donde traslada conocimientos para ayudar en la solución a la problemática mundial de la depresión. leer todo...