Enceladus, the secret space mission

US$ 9,10
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It is a great science fiction story, based on studies made by NASA in its tireless search to find other places in the universe to which man would seek the way to inhabit them.
The great secret that the United States had kept was the study that had been done to
the moons on Jupiter and Saturn. It is possible that in all the last years the human being wants to survive his own capacity for destruction and look for the technology of traveling between planets . If we were so lucky, humanity had an extension of several years during which you can seek asylum.
Many years have been devoted to calculating how global warming and overpopulation will affect and what their implications for life will be. The habitable zone of the Solar System (that in which temperatures allow liquid water) would be between Jupiter and Saturn.
And that's where a manned mission will depart to the designated destination and our characters will live many adventures and challenges in the vastness of space.
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edición del autor
impreso bajo demanda
año edición
n° edición
Ciencia Ficción
n° páginas
14 x 21 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Luis Arturo Acevedo Acevedo

Luis Arturo Acevedo Acevedo

Nuevo escritor latinoamericano

Nacido en Medellin Colombia

Experto en finanzas personales,analista e investigador

gmail : [email protected]

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En los últimos 10 años he vivido en varios lugares a las afueras de Medellín y aunque he viajado a varios países
como Japon e Inglaterra y he vivido en varias ciudades de Colombia como Cartagena,Bogota,Cali y Manizales, llevo en Antioquia casi toda la vida.
He sido mil cosas diferentes: corrector, editor, lector profesional.
Mientras estudiaba ,comencé a editar textos para escritores .
luego trabajé en mis libros.
Llevo escribiendo desde hace hace unos años.
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