The great errors of humanity; the population explosion

US$ 9,70
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Every time I get up in the last 25 years or so, I have been noticing the great changes that Medellin Colombia has suffered, the city where I was born, it is impressive the amount of forest that has been lost by the number of people who have been invading the land to build a house of tin and wood and thus demand of the government services of water, electricity and improvements.
The arrival of so many people who come from villages at war, or from remote areas looking for better opportunities, or simply opportunists looking for more land to invade.
With the arrival of this number of people, it has also changed the means of transport which were not so full, were faster, without so much traffic and where the metro system was more comfortable, quiet, agile and without congestion and where the avenues regional and motorways did not have as much traffic or as much car, truck and motorcycle.
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edición del autor
impreso bajo demanda
año edición
n° edición
Educación y pedagogía
n° páginas
14 x 21 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Luis Arturo Acevedo Acevedo

Luis Arturo Acevedo Acevedo

Nuevo escritor latinoamericano

Nacido en Medellin Colombia

Experto en finanzas personales,analista e investigador

gmail : [email protected]

twitter : luis.arturo.acevedo.escritor

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En los últimos 10 años he vivido en varios lugares a las afueras de Medellín y aunque he viajado a varios países
como Japon e Inglaterra y he vivido en varias ciudades de Colombia como Cartagena,Bogota,Cali y Manizales, llevo en Antioquia casi toda la vida.
He sido mil cosas diferentes: corrector, editor, lector profesional.
Mientras estudiaba ,comencé a editar textos para escritores .
luego trabajé en mis libros.
Llevo escribiendo desde hace hace unos años.
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