Exploration of Consciousness, based on multiple sciences

Reclaim Your Youth

CLP$ 12.270
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This book is an inspiring work that guides us towards a fuller and more conscious life, helping us face the challenges of today's world with a renewed vision and a sense of purpose. Through its pages, it invites us to expand our awareness, both from a spiritual perspective and from a modern understanding of artificial intelligence and superintelligence. If you are looking for a journey of self-discovery, rejuvenation, scientific exploration, and connection with a deeper dimension of existence, this book will be an invaluable companion on your journey. leer todo...

edición del autor
impreso bajo demanda
año edición
n° edición
Religión y espiritualidad
n° páginas
14 x 21 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Carlos Adrian Andrade Hoyos

Carlos Adrian Andrade: Specialist in software engineering at the University of Medellin, with developments in educational video games using AI and over 22 years exploring consciousness, disciplining both body and soul to reach vibrations that allow me to access other dimensions.

Jhon Alejandro Andrade: Master's and Doctorate in physical sciences, with a postdoctoral degree in physics from the National University of Cuyo, Mendoza-Argentina. He conducts research on consciousness in the field of Quantum Physics.

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