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Prevention Strategies. Consequences in Youth and Adolescents

US$ 14,20
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In the digital age, cyberbullying has become a pervasive threat affecting young people and adolescents around the world. Online platforms, social networks and instant messaging applications, while offering countless benefits, have also opened up new avenues for bullying and harassment. This book offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and combating this phenomenon, providing readers with the tools necessary to effectively identify, prevent and address cyberbullying.
Through detailed analysis, the various forms of cyberbullying are explored, ranging from verbal harassment and rumor spreading to impersonation and non-consensual disclosure of personal information. It examines the devastating effects these practices can have on the mental and emotional health of victims, including anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and, in extreme cases, suicidal thoughts.
In addition, the most effective strategies for preventing cyberbullying are presented, highlighting the importance of digital education, open communication between parents and children, and the implementation of clear policies in schools and communities. Practical tips are offered to empower young people to protect themselves online, recognize warning signs, and seek help when necessary.
This book is not only an essential tool for parents, educators and mental health professionals, but also for young people themselves, who will find in its pages the support and guidance they need to navigate safely in the digital world.
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14 x 21 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Ricardo Lázaro Marrero Márquez

Nacido en La Habana, 1973. Graduado de Informática y con cursos de postgrado en marketing y publicidad, desde pequeño tuve inclinación por la literatura, me gustaba leer libros de todos los géneros y autores. Siempre escuchaba a mi padre declamar decimas y eso avivo mi inclinación por la poesía. Comencé a escribir a los 15 años de forma autodidacta y a participar en concursos internacionales, tales como, Nosside de poesía y Luz de luna donde obtuve mención y mis poemas fueron publicados en ambas antologías. Este es mi primer libro y espero vengan muchos mas. leer todo...

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