Word Milestone

force that the snorts that emotion prints, leaving behind a trail of memories, ready to blur in any way.
These verses sing to the relational nature that ties the vision of time granted to the human facet of poetic work, they follow the rhyme while it seeks to escape intonation, to link it with meanings that have been conceived by the work and grace of the conjunction, with elaborate meanings, as in all poetry, capable of becoming complicated with ideas and manifesting themselves beyond the act of meditation that characterizes them.
Unraveling the word from the networks of oblivion, an inimitable task for the act of making poetry, amending the naturalness with which certain words pose, with rumors about a gift never promised by life...
In contact with the wind
the word between leaves missing,
the milestone that the erosion of thought
turned into poetry. leer todo...

Panyu Damac
Téllez. Criado y educado por una familia humilde pero fielmente unida con tres hermanos, una madre amorosa, y un padre todo terreno amante de la literatura, que llenaron una habitación de libros y enciclopedias, cuando todavía no llegaban a nuestros hogares señales de televisión, fueron decisivos despertándole el interés por la lectura.
A los 14 años escribe sus primeros cuentos de aventura y ciencia ficción, y representa a su colegio en competencias de ciencias, carrera y ajedrez. A los 16 años empieza a escalar montañas moti leer todo...