The Transdisciplinary Perspective
paradigms are taken advantage of, but, especially, the main theories and approaches of the Complexity Studies are described, from which the construction of the foundations of the conceptual building of the Transdisciplinary Perspective can be initiated, emphasizing its unquestionable value in the field of social sciences in general and education in particular. In addition, from its theoretical assumptions, it is intended here to show some ways to achieve a consequent socialization of this peculiar way of relating natural, technological, social and humanistic knowledge in the peculiar context of current education. In essence, the book has a very special significance for the theoretical and methodological work of teachers, researchers, directors, students, as well as to contribute to the cultural heritage of a more general public, so that they can deepen in the current problems of development and integration of scientific knowledge, in order to favor not only the level of epistemological updating of the academy, but also to persuade and involve the political and administrative authorities in the indispensable changes required by education today. leer todo...
Fidel Francisco Martínez Álvarez
Titular de Filosofía de la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba (ISA) de la Filial de Camagüey. Presidente del Consejo Científico de la Filial. En el entorno académico cubano este destacado profesor es considerado promotor de los Estudios de la Complejidad y de la Educación transdisciplinaria. Ha publicado decenas de artículos y libros individuales y colectivos, relacionados con una infinidad de temas científico-naturales y sociales, tales como: filosofía, teoría política, educación, diseño curricular, leer todo...