where the rapidly growing disease of psychiatric depression originates and the incidental factors that are propitiating its accelerated expansion on the planet
It makes a warning about the indiscriminate and innocent use of psychoactives that culture and society consider normal as caffeine and alcohol and energy drinks that mark the additions throughout the planet.
It also makes a complaint, of the companies that produce food and drinks at the industrial level in which they place psychoactive substances to generate dependence and thus favor a captive consumption that guarantees them economic gains.
But the most important thing is that it contains a method that guarantees people to end their anxiety, anguish, depression and addiction problems.
It also contains references of alternative methods and medicines that help to have a broad vision of how to participate in ancestral knowledge that are being updated for the well-being of humanity. leer todo...

Ricardo León Espitia
de aliviar en segundos, dolores de cabeza, migrañas y cólicos menstruales, presencialmente y a distancia por contacto telefónico y por internet. Desactiva problemas de adicciones en seminarios y conferencias y se ha especializado en la problemática de la enfermedad de la depresión. Autor de varios libros Matrix Hackea Tu Mente, Depresión La Ola Oscura, Ensoñar Lo Mejor Para Mi Vida y otros, donde traslada conocimientos para ayudar en la solución a la problemática mundial de la depresión. leer todo...